Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Soaring into Happiness

Today, I am choosing to write about my journey of soaring into happiness. Getting happier is a good goal. It is a good choice for me. Writing is part of the path, therefore I will document how I am getting happier almost daily. I can't promise..if this is tooo regimented it will seem like a chore and may reduce happiness factor.

Today, I have much today. I am plotting out my course for soaring, but wil be open to surprises. I will trust the process. Thanks Margot and Paolo.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Writing Home at Last

A three year olds mind can come up with many adventures. When I was three, with the help of my favorite preschool teacher, I wrote my first story about a mommy bird and a baby bird and that fateful day when it was time for the baby bird to fly solo. There was squawking from the baby bird, but once in flight she could find she could do it. She could fly and not hit the ground. Today, I feel some similar feelings about writing now at the lovely young age of 40. I wasn’t sure if I could write a novel, I felt a gentle push then a harder kick in the pants by my characters, Edward and Liz Levine, telling me they want to be in the world, outside of my head. (Even though my head is a cool place to hang.) I visualized these childhood sweethearts at a writer’s retreat ten years ago. Three years ago, I said to Ed and Liz and myself, I am going to try to write your story. I took weeks off from work and wrote everyday by the ocean. The writing just flowed out of me. (I have been a therapist for seventeen years and an oral historian for eight.) The character Liz is a therapist and world renowned for her knowledge of sex and relationships. I found that I put a lot of my thoughts and experiences about love and relationships into this book. It became an act of love to write and to finish a good draft. I am glad I could take that flight from the branch and soar as a writer. Thank you!

Happy Birthday Studs

You sat in a big comfy chair, listening to Mahaila Jackson from 50 years ago. She still sounds sweeter than ever. She lives on tape. You Studs will live in every person you touched. You touched my mind. I always tell people I am a therapist by day and Studs Terkel wannabe by night. I write interviews for a website in Rogers Park. I am proud of my 40+ interviews. They are getting better and better. I think something that really helps is really listneing. I listen to what people are saying also I try to hear what they may want to say but the tongue is twisitng on them.

People say "I know you are listening." I am proud of my abilities of hearing and capturing it on paper or video. Some gem, some kernel of truth of that person. I wind up liking and caring about all the people I interview. I may not always agree with all their opinions. I wonder if you feel the same way.

Happy Birthday Studs Terkel!!

With Regard and Affection
Eve Brownstone
Third Generation of Free Thinker and Compassionate Heart

Corporate/Organizational Training

In this economy of constant change and stressful choices, Brownstone Therapeutics can infuse your company/organization with new energy, better morale and more creative choices. Give us a try and see what grows!!!

We can customize a training for you to develop: conflict resolution, leadership, communication, problem solving and interpersonal skills.

Giving Birth to Your Truth
During this dynamic training, participants will let go of the "shoulds" and focus on the kind of people they want to be. If you have ever wanted to sing at Carnegie Hall or be a motivational speaker or whatever else you can envision, we can enact it within a safe group experience.

Dining with the Family
This training helps participants get ready to spend time with family. Learn how to deal with Aunt Stella who nags you about eating too little or Uncle Ralph who has had a bad day and takes it out on you. Role-play and discussion will be featured in this boot camp for the family.

Life is full of choices. Participants will explore the choices they have made and have the opportunity to explore different choices through enactment and role-play.

Walking In Your Shoes
Participants will reverse roles with someone with whom they were in conflict and get a chance to walk in the other person’s shoes and see the conflict from the other side.

The Yes/No Game
One of the toughest things for a young leader, supervisor or manager to learn is when to complete a task or when to delegate. Participants will practice saying yes to what they do want and no to what they don’t want to do.

Building a Stress First Aid Kit
Designed to help people learn how to relax, de-stress and rejuvenate. Music, laughter and guided visualization will be standard tools of operation for this training. Perfect for a Board of Directors meeting or a staff retreat.

Building Bridges
Team building, communication and cooperation are keys to this fun and energetic three hour workshop. Through role-play, art and games participants will gain more insight into workplace dynamic, where they fit in and how to build bridges of communication with

Corporate and Organizational Trainings
All training fees vary due to amount of time required, number of participants and travel costs.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Listening..really listening

Have you ever gotten the feeling that someone was really listening to you.
They look at you..look into your eyes
Not rush you..ask questions and ask you what the experience meant to you

Maybe they make sure you breathe when a part is hard to talk about

Maybe they don't stop you when you cry

They just listen and hear you.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Oral History Services

Proposal for Oral History Services
Brownstone Therapeutics 2007
(773) 859-1276 or email at

Brownstone Therapeutics is a therapeutic private practice that aims to encourage clients to connect with themselves and others through the creative arts. Brownstone Therapeutics offers individual and group therapy, supervision for students, corporate and organizational trainings, and oral history services.

Proposal: Brownstone Therapeutics proposes to provide our older neighbors and their families oral history services. These services include: an eight-week reminiscence group and oral history projects (DVD or written format).

Benefits of Reminiscing:
1. Boots quality of life
2. The older person feels that he/she is leaving a legacy for the future generations-passes on life lessons.
3. It provides a place for positive social interaction through story-telling of both painful and humorous moments.
4. Enables older people to achieve a sense of coherence and wholeness.

Possible 8-week Outline for Reminiscing Group (Like the Good Old Days?)
Week 1
Childhood Adventures
Week 2
Teens/School, Sports and Dating
Week 3
Adult Years/Working and Raising Children
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
What are you most proud of?
Week 7
Life Lessons
Week 8

Inquire about fees at 773-859-1276.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Feeling Proud of Myself

I feel proud of myself. I learned how to put my videos up on youtube. I know for you folks born in the eighties it is no big deal. But for me who was born in can do the math.. I feel a wonderful naural high right now. Yes!!! I interviewed one of my favorite people, my Tai Chi Teacher Master Gary Clyman.

Here is my Bio/Story "You Can! Interview" on YouTube:
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 -

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Untying Knots

Mother Meera, a gentle and loving woman full of light traveled from across the sea to join us here in Oak Park.
She touched me with her smiling eyes and the room filled with this loving light. In unison we took a deep breathe. For a few moments we were transfixed by this Indian woman with dark hair and eyes and a brilliant magenta sahri.

She spoke not a word. Her silence moved many hearts including my own.

Thank you Mother Meera.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Brownstone Therapeutics Services

Compassionate Care For the Creative Soul
Brownstone Therapeutics

Brownstone Therapeutics is a therapeutic private practice that aims to encourage clients to connect with themselves and others through the creative arts. Brownstone Therapeutics offers individual and group therapy, supervision for students, corporate and organizational trainings, and oral history services

The three types of services Brownstone Therapeutics provides:

Corporate and Organizational Trainings
Oral History Services


Individual Therapy (Adults, children (5 and up) and teens)
One to one therapy, which encourages clients to explore their own strengths and choices

Group Therapy

An eight-week dynamic support group learning experience to explore old patterns that are not working and to try out new behaviors. Group addresses life choices, stress management, relationships and much more.

Hope and Recovery Group
A eight-week group to understand the process of grieving and to connect with loved ones living and deceased and to find openings for self-transformation

Clinical Supervision/Consultation
Supervision is available for students and professionals in counseling or social work who are working towards licensure.

Individual Therapy $40-$125 (sliding scale)
Group Therapy $35.00 per group session (per person)
Supervision/Consultation $50-$80(sliding scale)

Corporate and Organizational Trainings
This is a series of trainings that assist participants in developing conflict resolution, leadership, communication and interpersonal skills.

Giving Birth to Your Truth
During this dynamic training, participants will let go of the "shoulds" and focus on the kind of people they want to be. If you have ever wanted to sing at Carnegie Hall or be a motivational speaker or whatever else you can envision, we can enact it within a safe group experience.

Dining with the Family
This training helps participants get ready to spend time with family. Learn how to deal with Aunt Stella who nags you about eating too little or Uncle Ralph who has had a bad day and takes it out on you. Role-play and discussion will be featured in this boot camp for the family.

Life is full of choices. Participants will explore the choices they have made and have the opportunity to explore different choices through enactment and role-play.

Walking In Your Shoes
Participants will reverse roles with someone with whom they were in conflict and get a chance to walk in the other person’s shoes and see the conflict from the other side.

The Yes/No Game
One of the toughest things for a young leader, supervisor or manager to learn is when to complete a task or when to delegate. Participants will practice saying yes to what they do want and no to what they don’t want to do.

Building a Stress First Aid Kit
Designed to help people learn how to relax, de-stress and rejuvenate. Music, laughter and guided visualization will be standard tools of operation for this training. Perfect for a Board of Directors meeting or a staff retreat.

Building Bridges
Team building, communication and cooperation are keys to this fun and energetic three hour workshop. Through role-play, art and games participants will gain more insight into workplace dynamic, where they fit in and how to build bridges of communication with

Corporate and Organizational Trainings
All training fees vary due to amount of time required, number of participants and travel costs.

Oral History Services
Our elders want to leave legacies for future generations and Brownstone Therapeutics listens and documents these amazing life stories. In my experience no life story is boring.

Oral History Video
Oral History Booklet
Oral History Story
Reminiscing Groups
Oral History 101

Oral History Services

Inquire about fees.

Eve Brownstone, MA, LCPC, is an expressive arts therapist with sixteen years experience working with individuals and groups of all ages. Her work has been featured in The Boston Herald, The Chicago Tribune, and The WGN Morning Show. Eve has collaborated with thirty+ different organizations from universities to hospitals. Eve also has eight years experience as an oral historian. Eve produced and directed two oral history videos on reminiscing.

Laura Brownstone, MSW, LCSW with eight years experience as a psychotherapist. Laura is an expert in grief and trauma work. She received her graduate degree from Loyola University. Laura has an expertise in imagery and Tai Chi.

For more information, you can contact us at 773-859-1276 or email us at

Monday, May 7, 2007

What an awesome Day!

What an awesome day!

The sun is shining. I am awash in positive engery. I was surrounded by 10,000 positive people yesterday. We experienced a wonderful talk on compassion from the Dalai Lama. He has been through an awful lot. If he can still giggle by golly so can I. So more laughter and giggling is inorder for me.

I was struck by one definition of compassion he offered. You can easily have compassion for someone when they are doing things you like-the trick is to still have copassion for those folks when they do things you don't like---I needed to hear that right now. There are loved ones who are doing things that are pissing me off---I can still care about them..maybe there is still hope for me yet.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Ask Eve

Ask Eve. Please write in your questions about relationships. I will do my best to think about it and give you an answer hopefully filled with insight and a little humor thrown in.

This is just fun entertainment and educational, but not therapy. I don't know all the answers, but I know a little bit after being in the therapeutic business for close to two decades. Give it a try. If you want therapy you can call me at 773-859-1276 to schedule an appointment. Post your questions in the comment section of this post Ask Eve. Have Fun. Best, Eve