Sunday, July 18, 2010

Happy Summer!

Hello from Eve Brownstone and Brownstone Therapeutics

All I can say- it is hot! Hang in there everybody!

Here are five tips for staying cool:

1. Smile, smiling lessens tension

2. Drink iced lemonade on a shady porch. Please pour me some and text me where you are. :)

3. Please, please use sun tan lotion, but not 50spf. Your skin has got to breathe. 30spf will do.

4. Sweat a lot. It is good for us.

5. Water, water, water, water

We’ve had a busy spring and summer here at Brownstone Therapeutics.

We’ve had the opportunity to work with some wonderful and varied groups.

• Seniors at CJE Senior Life
• A group of dedicated women who are learning how to be EMTs with ICNC
• Junior high school girls at the Regina Dominican Girl School in Wilmette
• Cancer survivors and loved ones at Gilda’s Club of Chicago

The practice is building. Thanks to my clients. We now are able to bill Blue Cross Blue Shield of IL (PPO), Cigna, Aetna, Humana and Compsych (EAP).

Community Events

Artists of the Wall-June 17-18
We had a lot of fun with seniors from Lakeshore Health Care and Rehabilitation Center on Saturday and kids and their parents on Sunday. Key to fun was this glow in the dark spongy ball that I found at Walgreen’s for five bucks. Next year-more games!!

International Art Group-Art Show: Where do I belong?

North Lakeside Cultural Center, 6219 N.Sheridan,Chicago, Il.60660, USA

Opening July 16
Closing August 14 5pm-8pm

My subject: What are you left with when everything changes?

Upcoming Events


"A Cultural Explosion in Rogers Park". Clark between Morse and Estes. Sat 1-11 pm; Sun 1-10. $5 person; $10 family. Two stages. Music, ethnic foods, vendors, entertainment.

The Rogers Park BizArts continues at the B1E Gallery on
July 28 6902 N. Glenwood