Monday, August 25, 2014

Reaching Out for Help

Hello Friends,

A lot has happened since my last post, practically a whole summer. I hope everyone is well out there and walking on your paths.

 There has been lots of violence, I know this isn't new,  There has been violence at the hands of people who are given the job to keep us safer. Cops what the hell?  I've been to protests where there are more cops then protesters looking like the military with their semi-automatic machine guns at the ready.

The shooting of young black men by cops make none of us feel safer. It speaks to a depression, a desperation and rage that a lot of us feel about the inequality in the country.  The people that have a roof over their heads and food in the fridge are being  quiet and may feel afraid to rock the boat. The recovery has not visited everybody….many people are still struggling. People of color……every color…..

We have some of the riches people in the world and yet many of our people are afraid and hungry…..

I want my last words to be I love you and I did something…..

I work with people as a psychotherapist who are: afraid,  angry and grieving. It is better to reach out for help and know that you aren't alone.

I can be reached in Rogers Park at Chicago Human Potential 7231 1/2 N. Sheridan Rd.
773-859-1276 or

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Changing Relationship with Money and Gasland Viewing

My friends are Awesome!!

This will be a great empowering workshop on building a better relationship with money I am going. Join me next Saturday
I wanted to let you all know about this workshop that's happening. My friend Gale has been presenting this around the country and internationally. — withGale West.

Our neighbor and friend Margaret Meiser is very much against fracking. She is hosting a showing of the documentary Gasland at the Lighthouse Tavern on Thursday June 26th, 2014 at 7 pm.
Eve Brownstone says "Fracking let's put an end to it. Water catches on fire".
7301 N. Sheridan Road
Chicago, IL. 60626
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Thursday, June 12, 2014

I Am a Blogger

Hi everyone, I am getting back into blogging. I want to make a commitment to writing again. A little bit everyday. It fun to do for the Hundred Days to Happier Project. So here I go again. I am a blogger. A writer.....Yeah!!

Artists of the Wall 2014


 Artists Galore, Great Music, and a Beach Dedication


The Artists of the Wall Festival is an annual celebration of community and creativity.  Coordinated by members  of the Loyola Park Advisory Council and staffed by a large cadre of volunteers, this festival brings neighbors of all ages together to paint the 600-foot long seawall at Loyola Park Beach in Rogers Park.  Each year there’s a new theme to provide inspiration as artists, young and old, create their masterpieces on one of 154 spaces that when combined create this new 5,000 square foot mural each year. This year’s theme is “Dreaming It Real.”

The festival began 21 years ago. Concerned residents (Katy Hogan, Richard Kaufman, Keith Lord, and Regina Robinson) wanted to deter crime and beautify the area by involving the police and community in painting the seawall. The effort has since become a celebration of Rogers Park - the city’s most diverse neighborhood - and its residents.  Proceeds of the festival go to support the many sponsored events of the Loyola Park Advisory Council and towards its scholarship fund.

In addition to the painting, this year’s Festival will also include:

·         The renaming of Pratt Beach to honor the late community Activist Tobey Prinz.  Prinz worked tirelessly to protect 13 beaches in Rogers Park and Edgewater from high-rise development. Her son, Fred Schein will speak during the

·         A youth arts tent with hands on activities guided by Jessica Correa and Kristie Keenon of Mission Arts, Inc.

·         A Photo Show at this year's festival will showcase the talented photographers  of Rogers Park including a print of the late and now acclaimed Vivian Maier, which will be raffled off. Proceeds of the raffle will benefit the Loyola Park Advisory Council scholarship fund, which provides park program tuition assistance to children of families that normally could not afford to participate in the programs. The exhibit is coordinated by Eve Brownstone, Don Gordon, Andy MacDonald and Bill Morton.

·         An impressive and eclectic line-up of local musical talent on both Saturday and Sunday produced by Rogers Park musician Lucy Smith.

June 14 - June 15, 9:00 am to dusk. 
Each year the Artists of the Wall Festival is held on the Saturdayand Sunday of Father’s Day weekend. Throughout the years, parents, especially Dads, have come to paint with their children. 

Loyola Park, Farwell Avenue (6900 North) at the Lake


Noon - 1:00 pm      Handyman Steel Pan
1:30 - 2:30 pm        Sami Grisafe
2:30 - 3:00  pm       Tobey Prinz Beach Dedication
3:30 - 4:30 pm        Vanessa Davis Band
5:00 - 6:15 pm        Jerome Croswell’s Beyond Belief

Noon- 12:45pm       Roots of Rhythm Drum Ensemble (Family Matters)
1:15 - 2:00pm         UGOCHI
2:30 - 3:30pm         Leonum
4:00 - 5:15pm         The Pratt Cattz (featuring Robert “Baabe” Irving III and Ernie Adams)

So mark your calendars and come celebrate “Dreaming It Real,” this Father’s Day weekend Saturday, June 14th and Sunday, June 15th at the Artists of the Wall Festival in Rogers Park.  It’s a celebration of art, music and community. 

KEITH LORD, Founder Artist of the Wall
KATY HOGAN, Founder/Artist of the Wall

BILL MORTON (773) 850-0029; Publicist- Bill Morton Promotions

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Day 54

There is a quietness about the day.  Quietness within me. It started out with sunshine and the lapping of the waves of Lake Michigan. The Lake is free of ice mountains.... people are shedding layers and smiling more..including me. Having coffee with my Wednesday morning coffee clutch..sharing ideas, laughter and stories with my friends make my day.  Laughter is great medicine.

Day 45

Happy St. Patrick's Day !

Today reminds me of my family 's connection with Ireland. Our great great grandfather  Michael Hennessey was a  Chicago cop in 1900. I believe he came from County Cork in Ireland. He was a bit of a rascal. He liked to joke with his daughter's suitors. Allegedly Michael spooked my great grandfather Edward. When Edward and Ann were courting the family  visited a cemetery. Edward was in one tomb and heard voices coming from somewhere. Edward thought spirits were talking to him. Little did he know it was his future father in law Michael in another tomb  talking to him. This story always makes me smile a little. Today we are all a little Irish.



Day 38

55 degrees today. The geese are coming back. I know it is suppose to snow again, but by golly I am enjoying this moment. There is a long walk for me today. I feel so grateful for the gorgeous sky this morning. The sky was the same color as the lake- paradise.  The geese and duck are coming back up north. On my visit to Lincoln Park Zoo, I discovered where many of them went to-heated ponds of the Zoo. No peaking...just enjoying each other company. We can learn a lot from birds. To let ourselves and each other just be in the sunlight.....peace

Day 35

I am back in the saddle on the happier project. The cold has been kicking my butt. It has kept me inside. My creative juices feel a little luke warm. I want to move forward. I need to go to the Lincoln Park Conservatory this week and surround myself with green and flowers.  The smell of leaves..the color of flowers....Spring where are you??

Day 25

Today, the Sun is shining. I continue to feel upbeat. I did have a cup of coffee, but it isn't the caffine it is my attitude. Today I am focusing on what is working. I have a working computer, my body still works after a Pilates DVD yesterday. Going to the Y for a swim today just makes me smile. I have clients that I enjoy working with even through the tough feelings. Holding safe space for clients to do their  healing work isn't as easy as it looks.What helps is I also feel safer and happier inside me.  

Cheers to my amazing friends and my healthy family again. 

It was nice to connect with one of my Psychodrama Trainers Lorelei Goldman today. Psychodrama is a way for people to practice in role-play something difficult before  doing it or saying it in the "real word" I started in the world of Psychodrama when I was 22...24 years ago. I always say that Psychodrama saved my life.  Thank you Elaine  and Lorelei.  Lorelei Goldman still runs a Psychodrama training group in Evanston on Monday nights.

In April, I will be 47  I don't feel old. I don't feel 25 anymore..very glad about that.  Age is an attitude damn it! Right Art Reyes!

Looking forward to:

 my birthday April 28
Presentation at Live Oak
Workshop at Northwestern
Arts 4ALS event in May
Swimming at the Y
Tomorrow's Sunrise
21st Artists of the Wall Festival

Warm Hugs
Hanging out with my friends and family

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Day 19 of the 100 Days to Happier Project

Feeling reflective and quiet in a good way. Connecting with the sun today. I patted myself on the back for feeling pretty darn good yesterday.  To honor my mother, she passed 2/18/11, I enjoyed a diet coke at Mckeedees, shopped at a thrift store...took a long walk...things that we enjoyed doing together.  I did distract myself a bit in the evening with movies. That is okay. I want to thank my friends and family for being there for me.

Something that helped was doing a burning bowl on 2/17. I wrote down things that I still was holding on to...resentments, frustrations and anger...then I burned them and let the Universe take care of them. I felt lighter and happier afterwards. The lighter feeling continues on 2/19/14...

Monday, February 10, 2014

Finding a Balance Day 10

Day ten of this project to become happier. I am fortunate to find myself busier at work. I am liking my clients. I feel blessed to do what I love. When I get busy a little voice in me says well what about you Eve? It is a reminder to make caring for myself also a priority. Swimming tomorrow and getting up  for the sunrise are good ideas...continuing to make my own art is a must. I don't want to be hard on myself...I just know that if I don't take care of me... I will do do,,do like a locomotive..and maybe derail. I want to make enjoying what I do my intention and not pushing myself. At times in my life I've had one full-time and three part=time jobs. Not a good idea. Now I have one full-time work... a purpose and the intention of being happier inside me.....peace and love...Eve

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Day 6 2/6/14

Starting my day..writing..the best a corner cafe in a pool of I am going to connect with old and new friends at the YMCA. I am open to meeting new people.

What makes me giddy today:

Connecting with friends
and writing by golly

Memory of the Y in Hyde park
Swimming in the pool...flipping off the diving board...practicing my flip flops on the thick crash pad, judo..mean ass instructor,  roller skating to disco and eating fries with lots of ketchup at McKee Dees on Saturdays with my sister and BFFS.....

I plan to be at the Y by 3pm... Sauna, steam, workout, swim... not in that order...I am lucky...
Love and Hugs

Monday, January 27, 2014

Hello. It has been a while. Happy 2014! To be happier myself...I am embarking on a new creative and healing project 100 Days To Get Happier. I am inspired by Gretchen Rubin's book The Happiness Project and 100 Day to Get _____

I feel happy but could be happier. I want to figure out what makes me giggle..delight..from the inside out. Also what do I really enjoy doing? What makes me feel free? At home? Peace? Satisfied? Juicey?
I am worth are you. Part of my project involves keeping up with my blog. I love to write but have had long lapses showing up to my blog.  I am going to show up for myself a write a little bit and video tape a 10 second video every day starting Feb 1 2014 to record my effort... I see it also like putting down some bread crumbs for others..I hope....

With love and warmth I take a leap of faith...don't know what will come from it...but I would like to make a change...