Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Finding My Own Rock

There are two men digging their foundations into the Earth for new homes. They both want to make strong homes. The first digs down enough to hit sand and his house collapes in a storm. The second man digs deep enough to hit rock and his house is able to withstand any storm.

In my life I've looked to other people to be my rock..without digging deep enough to find my own rock.

I can't do that anymore..I got to keep digging and building my own solid foundation. I know I got it in me.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Home has alot to do with truth

When I speak my truth I feel at home.
When I say what is right for me I am building my foundation.
When I trust myself enough to believe what I say and that it is good for me
I am making it last...hurricane proof

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Interesting Things- Emotions

Interesting things are emotions.
One can feel numb, sad, mad and joyful all at the same time. That was me today. I'm glad I can feel.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Taking Action

The journey to find yourself begins with one step.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Sun In My Hair

Sun In My Hair

Dancing under the blue sky the wind tickles my ears
The Sun in my hair
I spin and spin and fall laughing in the grass
Dont care about anything...
no past nor tomorrow.

Sun you play a fun game of tag are it baby..


Sunday, August 3, 2008

I Rate

Inside me...I-rate...getting to feel I matter...

not so alone when alone

not looking for someone else to make me happy

Learning to water my own garden....