Monday, August 25, 2014

Reaching Out for Help

Hello Friends,

A lot has happened since my last post, practically a whole summer. I hope everyone is well out there and walking on your paths.

 There has been lots of violence, I know this isn't new,  There has been violence at the hands of people who are given the job to keep us safer. Cops what the hell?  I've been to protests where there are more cops then protesters looking like the military with their semi-automatic machine guns at the ready.

The shooting of young black men by cops make none of us feel safer. It speaks to a depression, a desperation and rage that a lot of us feel about the inequality in the country.  The people that have a roof over their heads and food in the fridge are being  quiet and may feel afraid to rock the boat. The recovery has not visited everybody….many people are still struggling. People of color……every color…..

We have some of the riches people in the world and yet many of our people are afraid and hungry…..

I want my last words to be I love you and I did something…..

I work with people as a psychotherapist who are: afraid,  angry and grieving. It is better to reach out for help and know that you aren't alone.

I can be reached in Rogers Park at Chicago Human Potential 7231 1/2 N. Sheridan Rd.
773-859-1276 or