Saturday, February 7, 2009

Love Is..

I want to love you without clutching,
Appreciate you without judging,
Join you without invading,
Invite you without demanding,
Leave you without guilt,
Criticize you without blaming,
And help you without insulting.
If I can have the same from you,
Then we can truly meet and enrich each other.
-- Virginia Satir

You and I... We meet as strangers,
Each carrying a mystery within us.
I cannot say who you are:
I may never know you completely.
But I trust that you are a person
In your own right,
Possessed of a beauty and value
That are the earth's richest treasures.
So I make this promise to you: 
 I will impose no identities upon you, 
 But will invite you to become yourself 
 Without shame or fear. 

I will hold open a space for you in the world 
 And defend your right to fill it 
 With an authentic vocation. 
 For as long as your search takes, 
 You have my loyalty. 

--- Theodore Roszak

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