The Arts in Rogers Park BizArts
By Eve Brownstone
Recently, a New York Times article described Rogers Park as a “funky” neighborhood. A big reason for that is our thriving arts scene on the Glenwood Avenue Arts District. We have a thriving music scene at Duke’s or The Redline Tape, Morseland, Heartland and soon on The Mayne Stage (formerly Morse Theater). The Jeff awards have recognized our theater companies: Lifeline, The Side Project, BoHo and Theo Ubique. Art galleries abound! All art lovers must visit our exceptional galleries: Greenleaf Art Studio, Rogers Park Art Space and B1E Gallery. Even with the challenging economy, which has forced a couple of galleries to close, there remain great opportunities for local artists.
How can we help make being an artist in Rogers Park more viable?
The Rogers Park Business and Artists Networking Group (RPBizArts) bring together neighbors who want to make a difference in Rogers Park. At our networking events, “Biz Arts” offers business owners, artists and other community members a chance to describe what they are doing, learn what others are up to, and as a result many businesses and artists discover innovative partnership strategies. BizArts continually strives to promote both the business world and the artistic communities. Admittedly, at times it is harder to showcase artists because there are fewer venues where artists can host events.
Our After Hours Biz Arts event on Wednesday, March 31, hosted by Many Peoples Church, 1507 W. Morse Ave, will feature some of our talented visual artists. Up to eight artists from Rogers Park will host, display and talk about their art. BizArts will offer each of the eight artists, who will submit two pieces of their artwork for display, a few minutes to talk about their artwork – their vision, their process, what motivates their work, or whatever else she or he chooses.
This event is free to members and advertisers of the Rogers Park Business Alliance and Rogers Otherwise it’s $5 at the door. Call me Eve Brownstone at 773-859-1276 or email me at, if you want to be one of our eight presenting artists, by March 1.
Though we will not charge the artist, we will expect the eight to arrange for food and beverage to be served for the 25 – 40 people who attend. So, prepare to participate in this cooperative process, and do your share. This process includes set up, furnishing the food/beverage, and clean up.)
Let’s continue to support the “funky” image (as per New York Times) of our creative neighborhood. Join us on Wednesday March 31 to celebrate our artists.
Request to be on our email list at either: or or
friend “Rogers Park BizArts” on Facebook at
Eve Brownstone
February 10, 2010
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