Friday, March 5, 2010

Assembling The Allies

For Women with Cancer at Heartwood Center

Assembling The Allies

By Eve Brownstone, MA, LCPC

In every life there are choices. For women with cancer there are still many choices to consider: treatment options, foods, friends when to fight and how to find the strength to keep living. That internal spark that tells us life is good is hard to feel when chemo is kicking your butt.

I will help you assemble a team of internal and external allies to fight cancer. You’ll know you won’t be alone. Through the arts we can find ways to create these allies. It could be a warrior, a wise crone, a medicine woman, a teacher, a good caring parent that comes from within you to help care for you. Also clients are encouraged to create or engage with their support system. Friends and loved ones are important for healing. It takes a village to fight cancer.

Clients also learn to direct anger where it should be directed not at loved ones or at oneself but at the cancer. I facilitated an anger management support group for six years and know anger is a feeling that can move us into positive action.

It is a battle that is fought everyday with love, friendship, courage, allies, purpose, spirit and medicine.

Eve Brownstone MA, LCPC, is an Expressive Arts Therapist with 20 years experience. Eve will be presenting Creating Your Life to members of Gilda’s Club of Chicago in June. Contact Eve at 773.859.1276 or Check out for more information.

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