Sunday, September 2, 2012

Hi Friends, September is a busy month for Brownstone Therapeutics. Saturday September 15 1pm-4pm at 3020 N. Lincoln (near Southport) We will be hosting an expressive arts therapy workshop in Carving Thru Shadow. Participants will explore and become more friendly with the darker parts of ourselves (our dragons) as a way to integrate and feel more whole and authentic. Greg Moorcroft from eyes cast down will create and playe live music for this event. For more info and to register click on link below. Saturday September 22-Also it is that time of the year again for Les Turner ALS Foundations 11th Annual Walk 4 Life. The Art 4 ALS will also have a pop up art tent, activities for the family and a tribute wall. Plus four artists will be joining me to paint live along the beautiful view between the Planetarium and Shedd. Click on the link to learn more. I am excited and look forward to these creative and inspiring events. I hope that you will learn more and join me in the fun. Best, Eve

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