Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Weekend of Sept 20-22

It is monday morning and I feel refreshed and happy. I think the happy feeling comes from the feeling of accomplishment and being part of a community. The weekend stated out at City Council on Friday. A group of us from Rogers Park surprized the The Tawani Group and testified against them getting zoning variances. The zoning board gave us two hours to testify. I testified on senior safety. Saturday was a full day of clients. I feel blessed to have them. Sunday I was at the Les Turner ALS Walk with the most of the same volunteers for the past three years. Thanks to Biff, Lynn, John, Theresa and others. A big thanks to our artists who painted live. Helen Graef and her family, Karen Perl, Cliff Questel, Laura Questel and Miranda Stillwell. Theresa, Lynn and Caty Brownstone-Stillwell also painted. Both of my sisters painted. This makes me happy. There were a bunch of children and teenagers who came over to the Arts 4 ALS tent that said I really want to paint that hadn't painted before. That is what I like to see. People catching the fever of art!!! Thanks to Megan and Mike Gaffney, Liz, Maria and Wendy from Les Turner. A huge thank you to Dick Blicks who donated Uber amount of art supplies and was a sponsor for the walk. Yeah for a great weekend!! A great start to this week.

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